
Serge Marchand, PhD

Serge Marchand, PhD, is Vice-President, Scientific Affairs at Génome Québec. Prior to his appointment in January 2019, he served as the Scientific Director of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé from 2017 to 2019. Having completed his PhD in Neurological Sciences, he was Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the Université de Sherbrooke, and director of pain research labs at the Sherbrooke University Hospital Research Center. Dr. Marchand held the Joint Chair in Physiopathology of Pain UQAT-Université de Sherbrooke (2002-2010) and was the Scientific Director of the CHUS Research Center (2008-2013). He has authored several articles, book chapters and books on the neurophysiology of pain, including: The Pain Phenomenon (IASP press 2012) and Mental Health and Pain (Spinger Press, 2014). He also served on numerous national and international evaluation committees. Dr. Marchand’s research focuses on the neurophysiological mechanisms responsible for the development and persistence of chronic pain, and his expertise includes Pain evaluation in chronic pain patients, Human somatosensory psychophysics, Human electrophysiology, Endogenous pain modulation mechanisms measurement, Animal nociceptive behaviors, and Immunohistochemistry.

Modules/Topics Taught:

  • Pathophysiology of Acute Pain