
John Halle, PT, PhD, ECS (Emeritus)

Dr. Halle, PT, PhD, ECS (Emeritus), earned his doctoral degree from the University of Iowa with a focus on Exercise Science. Dr. Halle was  with the Belmont Physical Therapy Program from1997 through May 2021, serving as Chair of the program from 2005 through May 2013. While Dr. Halle retired in 2021, he remains engaged with select classes within the Belmont Physical Therapy Program as an Emeritus Professor, and he continues to have an adjunct appointment within the Department of Medical Education and Administration at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. His professional areas of interest include anatomy, electrophysiological evaluation, orthopedics and sports medicine.

Modules/Topics Taught:

  • Aberrant Anatomy
  • Functional Neuroanatomy
  • Microanatomy